David E. Gates featured on Shepherd’s “Best Books”.

I am delighted to announce that I have been selected to have a feature on Shepherd’s “Best Books” website. The site aims to create an experience that is like wandering the aisles of your favourite bookstore. When looking for a new book online, it can sometimes feel soulless.

In it’s founder, Ben Fox’s, own words:

A book is an experience, and the process of finding a book is part of that experience. 

I love wandering around bookstores and letting random books capture my attention. Nothing will ever replace the “bookstore experience,” but I want to reimagine online book discovery with more serendipity and delight. 

To start, I’ve asked 9,000+ authors to share five of their favourite books around a topic, theme, or mood and why they love each book. This infuses each book with magic and meaning.

To read about the five horror books I’ve chosen, and how they changed my life, click here.