Two Sides of Vegas – Out Now!

An accompanying piece to Omonolidee, telling of two visits to Vegas, is out now.

Two unique travelogues exploring the gambling capital of the world from different angles.

Available to order as an eBook from Smashwords and Books2Read, and all good online eBook retailers.

For a printed and autographed copy, for just £3.99, including P&P, click the BUY NOW button.

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Two Sides of Vegas

David E. Gates’ collection of travelogues, Omonolidee, detailing his visits to Florida, Tenerife, Egypt and other places in a candid, frank and funny dialogue, is available in three formats here.


A Flash in the Pan! New FLASH FICTION

I recently tried my hand at Flash Fiction. The requirement was to write a short story, under 150 words, that featured the word “Slice”.

I’ll be including it in my upcoming anthology, Outrunning the Rain, along with other short-stories, flash-fiction and poetry.

Hope you like it.


A Flash In The Pan by David E. Gates


Blood ran out of the meat and collected on the glistening white of the plate it was sat upon. A castle of flesh, an inch high, surrounded by a moat of its own juices.

The sound of sizzling fat in a frying pan echoed around the room. The smell, sweet and welcoming, not unlike that which accompanies the cooking of bacon, permeated the air.

“Would you like a piece?” The man holding the pan and leaning towards the slab of meat on the plate said.

Muffled sounds of protest came forth from a figure sat at the table. Their struggle was fruitless, their bonds tight, their mouth sealed.

“More for me then.” The man said, laughing as he pierced the foodstuff with a large knife, lifting and dropping it onto the pan’s surface before turning towards his prisoner.

“Hold still now.” He said, as he began to slice.

The End.


David E. Gates’ first anthology of short stories, scripts, poems and reviews, First Words, is available at Amazon and Smashwords.

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