“Made my skin go soggy…” – Another FIVE STAR review of Access Denied

“Made my skin go soggy…” – Another FIVE STAR review of Access Denied:

“I had a fleeting moment of disappointment when the comparatively happy start to the story quickly turned darker and more negative – I was beginning to think that I wanted to read more of the romance and good times before things started going wrong, but after a couple more pages, I was reminded that this was no fairytale, fictional story but a factual account of real people’s lives. I was very quickly gripped by the events that were unfolding – so much so that I was forced to put the book down only because my bath water was getting cold and my skin was going wrinkly. It inspired me to take more baths just so that I could continue reading. And even when you put the book down, you don’t forget what you’ve just read because your mind is trying to make sense of how government departments can be so incompetent and cause so much unnecessary anguish and heartache for people. My heart goes out to David and hope that the future will bring a long-awaited happy end to his story.”
