Five star review on Kindle!

My first review on the Kindle version:

Five Stars

“I just finished reading this book a few days ago and as this is the first one I felt the need to review, I just wanted to say that it is nicely written and it is a book that every woman has to read it and lots of men will relate to it. David has been looking after his little girl as her Dad, since birth and for so many years him and his daughter have shared valuable moments of their lives. Despite the fact that the couple has been separated as soon as the baby was born, David has continue to support and love his little daughter and he still does it to the present day and time. David had the wright to know the truth but this has not changed any of his feelings for this little girl. Very moving poem at the end of the book, the most beautiful words have ever been said from a Dad to his beloved Daughter.

I wish things will work better for David and he will be reunited with his daughter for the fact that both are missing this valuable relationship and this girl is missing her dad, the only dad she ever had from her birth.”

Five Star Review! *****

An insightful, frank and deeply personal journey of one man battling red tape and bureaucracy to gain access to his daughter after the breakup of his relationship, only to find she wasn’t his. The emotional rollercoaster that follows, the court cases, the arduous struggles with the CSA and the affects this has on his personal life make it an engaging and compelling read.